Black Type Race

Evan Shipman H. $0, BEL,

07/22/07, , 1 1/16m, 1:41.54, FT
Margins: 3 1/4, 1, 3/4 Odds: 24.25, 0.2, 14.9
1-- Shuffling Maddnes, 116, h, 22, by Real Quiet
1st Dam: Splashing Fancy by Bucksplasher
2nd Dam: Square Key Hour by
3rd Dam: Lady Bold Hour by
O: Trinacria USA Stable
B: Joe Gioia
T: Carroll Del W II
J: Velasquez Cornelio
$64,440 Lifetime: 19-5-5-4, $307,645
2-- Accountforthegold, 126, c, 2025, by Successful Appeal
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Winning Move Stable & Lerner Harold
B: Sez Who Thoroughbreds
T: Contessa Gary C
J: Luzzi M J
$21,480 Lifetime: 21-7-6-4, $532,467
3-- Organizer, 117, c, 2025, by Raffie's Majesty
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Majesty Stud
B: Majesty Stud LLC
T: Galluscio Dominic G
J: Coa E M
$10,740 Lifetime: 21-4-9-4, $433,221

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