Black Type Race

Ancient Title Breeders' Cup S. - G1, $0, OSA,

10/07/06, , 6f, 1:07.93, FT
Margins: 1, 5 3/4, 1 3/4 Odds: 0.4, 10.1, 10
1-- Bordonaro, 124, h, 2025, by Memo (Chi)
1st Dam: Miss Excitement by Rajab
2nd Dam: Excedent by Exceller
3rd Dam: Broadway Lullaby by Songandaprayer
O: Carrillo Fred & Cassella Daniel A
B: Fred Carrillo & Daniel A Cassella
T: Spawr William
J: Valenzuela P A
$120,000 Lifetime: 12-9-1-0, $642,164
2-- Thor's Echo, 124, h, 2025, by Swiss Yodeler
1st Dam: Helen of Troy by Mr. Integrity
2nd Dam: King's Thunder by Time to Explode
3rd Dam: A King's Ransom by
O: Royce S Jaime Racing Stable Inc & S
B: Fast Lane Farms & Block & Forman
T: O'Neill Doug
J: Cohen David
$50,000 Lifetime: 16-3-4-5, $1,042,790
3-- Jungle Prince, 124, g, 2025, by Sir Cat
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Burk Jack D Sciarra Joseph A & Zama
B: Nick Bentley
T: Garcia Juan V
J: Delgadillo A
$30,000 Lifetime: 27-7-6-6, $384,888

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