Black Type Race

Aztec Oaks S. $60,200, SRP,

09/03/05, 3yo, 6 1/2f, 1:17.40.
Margins: 5,3HF,2HF Odds: 0.90,5.80,14.60
1-- My Desert Lady, 120, m, 23, by Desert God
1st Dam: Lisa Lide by Bel Bolide
2nd Dam: Complete Order by Princely Native
3rd Dam: Victorian Order by Victoria Park
O: Hauschild, Sylvia and Vernon R.
B: Ronald Eugene Allen & Joe Allen
T: Mac Millar
J: Ken S. Tohill
$36,120 Lifetime: 15-4-1-3,$115,774
2-- La Mamie, 120, m, 23, by Prospector Jones
1st Dam: Flip Baby by Northern Baby
2nd Dam: What a Flip by Flip Sal
3rd Dam: Molly's Pleasure by What a Pleasure
O: Mayme Brunacini
B: James Brunacini
T: Michael K. Barber
J: Quyet E. Bui
$12,040 Lifetime: 29-5-7-4,$248,137
3-- Slewsflight, 120, m, 23, by Sadler Slew
1st Dam: Flight Maneuver by Tasso
2nd Dam: Princess Yasmin by Le Fabuleux
3rd Dam: Bold Princess by Bold Ruler
O: Truman Smith
B: Truman Smith DVM
T: Robert A. Cappellucci
J: Adan Fuentes
$6,020 Lifetime: 17-2-6-3,$39,817

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