Black Type Race

Donald LeVine Memorial H. - L, $0, PHA,

06/27/09, , 7f, 1:21.38, FT
Margins: 4, no, 4 3/4 Odds: 0.3, 9.5, 19.2
1-- Kodiak Kowboy, 124, h, 20, by Posse
1st Dam: Kokadrie by Coronado's Quest
2nd Dam: West Turn by Cox's Ridge
3rd Dam: Win Nona by Jacinto
O: Vinery Stables & Fox Hill Farm
B: Hartwell Farm
T: Jones J Larry
J: Saez Gabriel
$120,000 Lifetime: 19-9-3-2, $1,158,363
2-- Cassoulet, 116, h, 20, by Distorted Humor
1st Dam: Aunt Dot by Capote
2nd Dam: Ann Alleged by Alleged
3rd Dam: Ann Stuart by Lyphard
O: Courtlandt Farms
B: Courtlandt Farm
T: Baker James
J: Migliore R
$40,000 Lifetime: 13-4-5-0, $168,530
3-- Cherokee Country, 117, h, 21, by Yonaguska
1st Dam: Jetazelle by Tri Jet
2nd Dam: Fleet Gazelle by
3rd Dam: Ocean Maid by
O: Victory Thoroughbreds LLC
B: Clarkland Farm
T: Preciado Ramon
J: Mariano Abel
$22,000 Lifetime: 19-8-4-3, $288,540

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