Black Type Race

Liberation H. $40,000, HST,

06/28/03, , 1 1/16m, 1:44.65, FT
Margins: 4 1/2, 3, no Odds: 0.45, 3.35, 8.55
1-- Dancewithavixen, 120, h, 2025, by Vying Victor
1st Dam: Hot Ginger by
2nd Dam: Glory Isle by
3rd Dam: Glory Eyed by
O: Tnt Racing Stable
B: Tnt Stables & Strange Range Stables
T: Longstaff Thomas
J: Valdez F S
$26,746 Lifetime: 12-5-3-2, $160,103
2-- Chorus Dancer, 116, f, 2025, by Vying Victor
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Linwood Stables
B: M. Gumprich
T: Anderson Robert G
J: Loseth C
$8,915 Lifetime: 10-2-1-4, $69,693
3-- Always Annie's, 112, m, 2025, by Regal Intention
1st Dam: Always A Star by Sunny's Halo
2nd Dam: Dewans Advocate by Dewan
3rd Dam: Royal Advocate by
O: Draman Dennis
B: Dennis Dramon
T: Krasner Cindy
J: Krasner S
$4,903 Lifetime: 6-1-2-1, $27,217

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