Black Type Race

Woodford Reserve Manhattan H. - G1, $0, BEL,

06/06/09, , 1 1/4m, 2:02.91, T, YL
Margins: 1 1/2, 1 1/4, 1/2 Odds: 3.6, 14.9, 23.7
1-- Gio Ponti, 120, h, 20, by Tale of the Cat
1st Dam: Chipeta Springs by Alydar
2nd Dam: Salt Spring (Arg) by Salt Marsh
3rd Dam: Jungle Mythologic (Arg) by Mount Athos
O: Castleton Lyons
B: Kilboy Estate, Inc.
T: Clement Christophe
J: Gomez G K
$240,000 Lifetime: 12-7-2-0, $1,245,800
2-- Marsh Side, 117, h, 22, by Gone West
1st Dam: Colonial Play by Pleasant Colony
2nd Dam: Meteor Stage by Stage Door Johnny
3rd Dam: Northern Meteor by Northern Dancer
O: Evans Robert S
B: Evans Robert S.
T: Drysdale Neil
J: Castellano J J
$80,000 Lifetime: 21-5-3-1, $1,669,706
3-- Better Talk Now, 117, h, 26, by Talkin Man
1st Dam: Bendita by Baldski
2nd Dam: Bonne Note (Fr) by Bon Mot (Fr)
3rd Dam: Mandolina by Ocarina (Fr)
O: Bushwood Stables LLC
B: Wimborne Farm Inc.
T: Motion H Graham
J: Rose J
$40,000 Lifetime: 50-14-7-5, $4,256,664

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