Black Type Race

Joe O'Farrell Juvenile Fillies S. $0, CRC,

11/13/10, , 7f, 1:25.39, FT
Margins: 7 3/4, 3/4, 1/2 Odds: 17.1, 2, 8.3
1-- Devilish Lady, 115, m, 17, by Sweetsouthernsaint
1st Dam: Devilish Brunette by Diablo
2nd Dam: Appealing Brunette by Valid Appeal
3rd Dam: Dear Brunette by Banquet Table
O: Cairoli Racing Stable
B: Lewis Family Stables Partnership Lt
T: Sano Antonio
J: Centeno D E
$75,000 Lifetime: 7-3-0-2, $111,820
2-- Beso Grande, 116, m, 17, by Mass Media
1st Dam: Kiss For Kris by Kissin Kris
2nd Dam: Richen by Well Decorated
3rd Dam: Companionship by Princely Native
O: Half Hollow Racing
B: Bruce Tallisman
T: Dimauro Stephen L
J: Lezcano Jose
$25,000 Lifetime: 6-1-2-3, $109,492
3-- The Marikutana, 116, f, 2025, by Congrats
1st Dam: Grazettes by Alydeed
2nd Dam: De La Cat by Storm Cat
3rd Dam: De La Devil by Devil's Bag
O: Tuna Stables & Off The Hook Racing
B: Bill Rasco
T: Zerpa Gilberto
J: Coa E M
$13,750 Lifetime: 4-1-0-2, $44,893

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