Black Type Race

Pete Axthelm S. - L, $0, CRC,

12/29/07, , 7 1/2f, 1:27.22, T, FM
Margins: 1/2, 1, no Odds: 12.2, 9.4, 8.6
1-- Fearless Eagle, 117, h, 21, by Invisible Ink
1st Dam: Proud Royale by Proud Birdie
2nd Dam: Ciliata by Hawaii
3rd Dam: Dogtooth Violet by Mutakddim
O: Muhtar Issac
B: Isaac Muhtar
T: Plesa Edward Jr
J: Castro E
$57,660 Lifetime: 11-4-2-0, $162,890
2-- Buffalo Man, 122, h, 21, by El Prado (Ire)
1st Dam: Perfect Six by Saratoga Six
2nd Dam: Goodbye Heart by Tsunami Slew
3rd Dam: Keeper Of My Heart by Raise Your Glass
O: Ol Memorial Stable & Glasscock C E
B: Adena Springs
T: Gambolati Cam
J: Prado E S
$18,600 Lifetime: 10-5-2-1, $243,139
1st Dam: Mysterious Guest (Fr) by Barathea (Ire)
2nd Dam: Mysterious Move (GB) by Miswaki
3rd Dam: Sweet Mover by Nijinsky II
O: Gann Edmund A & Zerolo Michel Jean
B: M Jean-Pierre Dubois
T: Wolfson Martin D
J: Trujillo E
$9,300 Lifetime: 14-5-4-1, $202,446

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