Black Type Race

Bold Ruler H. - G3, $100,000, BEL,

05/12/07, 3yo+, 6f, 1:8.80.
Margins: 2HF,2HF,4 3/4 Odds: 0.50,9.80,5.30
Also Ran: Pavo, Anew,
1-- Songster, 117, c, 22, by Songandaprayer
1st Dam: Peppy Lapeau by French Deputy
2nd Dam: Peppy Raja by Raja Baba
3rd Dam: Fresh Pepper by B. Major
O: Godolphin, LLC
B: Richard Giacopelli
T: Saeed bin Suroor
J: Edgar S. Prado
$64,440 Lifetime: 11-4-3-1,$377,028
2-- Dashboard Drummer, 116, g, 24, by Alamocitos
1st Dam: Groovin Moment by Magic Moment II (Fr)
2nd Dam: First Groovin by Just Groovin
3rd Dam: Jeans Baby Wander by Telekinesis
O: Dubb, Michael, Goldfarb, Sanford J., Joscelyn, Robert and Brafman, Larry N.
B: Bob Pogue & Paulette Pogue
T: Anthony W. Dutrow
J: Cornelio H. Velasquez
$21,480 Lifetime: 61-9-9-11,$504,346
3-- Dark Cheetah, 114, c, 23, by Storm Cat
1st Dam: Layounne by Mt. Livermore
2nd Dam: La Affirmed by Affirmed
3rd Dam: La Mesa by Round Table
O: IEAH Stables and Jachlen Farm
B: Brushwood Stable
T: Richard E. Dutrow, Jr.
J: Garrett K. Gomez
$10,814 Lifetime: 55-7-9-5,$328,490

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