Black Type Race

Hawkeyes H. $0, PRM,

06/14/08, , 1 1/16m, 1:44.02, FT
Margins: 2, no, 8 1/4 Odds: 4.3, 2.9, 0.9
1-- Beyond the Reach, 117, m, 21, by Sahm
1st Dam: Zadie Creek by Repriced
2nd Dam: Poetic Image by Perrault (GB)
3rd Dam: T. V. Camera by Track Reward
O: Leech Linda M
B: James R. Leech & Linda M. Leech
T: Barkley Jeff
J: Montalvo C
$42,000 Lifetime: 17-6-3-2, $177,255
2-- Thekatcamehome, 120, m, 22, by Sea of Secrets
1st Dam: Colville Deb by Salt Lake
2nd Dam: Lady Arkansas by Sir Harry Lewis
3rd Dam: Little True by Western Sky II
O: Moss Maggi
B: Santen J. D.
T: Clark Dick R
J: Corbett G W
$14,000 Lifetime: 24-7-6-4, $258,168
3-- Camela Carson, 123, m, 23, by Lord Carson
1st Dam: Gamelah by Vice Regent
2nd Dam: Legarto by Roberto
3rd Dam: Summer Legend by Raise a Native
O: Rpm Thoroughbreds (Shattuck)
B: Rpm Thoroughbred Farm
T: Von Hemel Kelly
J: Compton P
$7,000 Lifetime: 33-11-10-7, $390,378

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