Black Type Race

Hawthorne Derby - G3, $0, HAW,

10/10/09, , 1 1/8m, 1:57.00, T, SF
Margins: 2 1/4, nk, 3 Odds: 11.7, 4, 33.4
1-- Proceed Bee, 120, g, 19, by Bernstein
1st Dam: Procession by Private Terms
2nd Dam: Duty Dance by Nijinsky II
3rd Dam: Discipline by Princequillo (GB)
O: Stiritz William
B: Mary Wade
T: Becker Scott
J: Emigh C A
$114,000 Lifetime: 14-7-0-3, $412,894
2-- Sir Al (Ire), 114, c, 2025, by Desert Prince (Ire)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Bralane Investments Inc Silver Stan
B: Patrick F Kelly
T: Morey William E
J: Thornton T G
$38,000 Lifetime: 6-2-1-2, $83,814
3-- Quite a Handful, 115, h, 19, by Mutakddim
1st Dam: Silent Queen by King of Kings (Ire)
2nd Dam: Soundproof (Ire) by Ela-Mana-Mou (Ire)
3rd Dam: Hobe Sound (Ire) by
O: Barlas Jean & Ted & Porcaro Michael
B: Kenneth Avanzino & Joseph Sullivan
T: Hansen Andrew M
J: Meier R
$20,900 Lifetime: 14-2-4-2, $131,713

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