Black Type Race

Northern Lights Debutante S. $0, CBY,

08/20/06, , 6f, 1:10.95, FT
Margins: 11 1/4, 3/4, 1/2 Odds: 2.5, 0.9, 5.1
1-- Caitri, 120, f, 2025, by Demidoff
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Kissoon Thoroughbreds
B: Kissoon Thoroughbreds
T: Padilla Willie C
J: Riggs Tanner
$33,000 Lifetime: 2-2-0-0, $44,475
2-- Run With Joy, 120, m, 2025, by Ghazi
1st Dam: Unbridled Joy by
2nd Dam: Tutta by In Reality
3rd Dam: Gold Mine by Mr. Prospector
O: Williams Frances G
B: Frances Genter Williams, LLC
T: Stidham Michael
J: Butler D P
$11,000 Lifetime: 3-1-2-0, $26,300
3-- Cousin Sue, 120, m, 21, by Catienus
1st Dam: Virginia Debutante by Roanoke
2nd Dam: Society Doon by Imp Society
3rd Dam: Partial Doon by Matsadoon
O: Flanigan Daniel & Symington Garey
B: Kenneth L. Ramsey & Sarah K. Ramsey
T: Hanson Vic
J: Bell D C
$5,500 Lifetime: 4-1-0-2, $23,520

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