Black Type Race

Jockey Club Gold Cup S. - G1, $0, BEL,

10/07/06, , 1 1/4m, 2:01.02, FT
Margins: 6 3/4, 6, 19 1/2 Odds: 0.15, 9, 17.6
Also Ran: Dylan Thomas (IRE),
1-- Bernardini, 122, h, 22, by A.P. Indy
1st Dam: Cara Rafaela by Quiet American
2nd Dam: Oil Fable by Spectacular Bid
3rd Dam: Northern Fable by Northern Dancer
O: Darley Stable
B: Darley
T: Albertrani Thomas
J: Castellano J J
$450,000 Lifetime: 7-6-0-0, $2,060,480
2-- Wanderin Boy, 126, h, 24, by Seeking the Gold
1st Dam: Vid Kid by Pleasant Colony
2nd Dam: Loren's Baby by Czaravich
3rd Dam: Pomade by
O: Hancock Arthur B III
B: Arthur B. Hancock, III
T: Zito Nicholas P
J: Prado E S
$150,000 Lifetime: 14-7-4-1, $648,259
3-- Andromeda's Hero, 126, h, 23, by Fusaichi Pegasus
1st Dam: Marozia by Storm Bird
2nd Dam: Make Change by Roberto
3rd Dam: Equal Change by Arts and Letters
O: Lapenta Robert V
B: Barnett Enterprises
T: Zito Nicholas P
J: Velasquez Cornelio
$75,000 Lifetime: 23-4-2-8, $828,913

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