Black Type Race

Vernon O. Underwood S. - G3, $0, HOL,

12/06/09, , 6f, 1:09.67, AW, FT
Margins: nk, 1 1/4, 1 3/4 Odds: 7.2, 2.5, 9.7
1-- Kinsale King, 118, h, 2025, by Yankee Victor
1st Dam: Flaming Mirage by Woodman
2nd Dam: Flaming Leaves by Olden Times (GB)
3rd Dam: Distaff Decider by
O: Super Horse Inc
B: Little Marvin Jr
T: O'Callahan Carl
J: Garcia Martin
$60,000 Lifetime: 6-3-0-1, $117,080
2-- Delta Storm, 118, g, 24, by Storm Boot
1st Dam: Talkin To Delta by Diesis (GB)
2nd Dam: Brise Vole by Nijinsky II
3rd Dam: Prime Prospect by Mr. Prospector
O: House Michael
B: Alex G. Campbell, Jr.
T: Mitchell Mike
J: Bejarano R
$20,000 Lifetime: 33-11-8-3, $540,683
3-- Mr. Cacht (Arg), 120, c, 21, by Numerous
1st Dam: Cacht Fitz (Arg) by Fitzcarraldo (Arg)
2nd Dam: Cachada (Arg) by
3rd Dam: Cachira (Arg) by
O: Beneto Steve
B: Firmamento
T: Mullins Jeff
J: Valdez F S
$12,000 Lifetime: 1-0-0-1, $12,000

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