Black Type Race

New Mexico Cup Classic Juvenile Fillies S. $0, ZIA,

11/11/07, , 6f, 1:10.20, FT
Margins: 5 1/2, 1 3/4, nk Odds: 11.4, 4, 13.5
1-- Etoile de Dome, 122, m, 20, by Dome
1st Dam: Ubi Star by Spend a Buck
2nd Dam: Very Mari Whirl by Island Whirl
3rd Dam: Veri Meri Keri by Apalachee
O: M Bar O LLC
B: J D Osgood Sherri Osgood & S & L As
T: Hartman Chris
J: Murphy B G
$91,920 Lifetime: 5-2-2-1, $118,630
2-- One Bad Ghost, 124, f, 2025, by Ghostly Moves
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Battershell Inc
B: Battershell Inc
T: Marr Joel H
J: Valenzuela P A
$33,704 Lifetime: 8-3-1-2, $78,782
3-- Red Peaches, 122, m, 2025, by Ghostly Moves
1st Dam: Explosive Peaches by Explosive Red
2nd Dam: Pretoria by Great Gladiator
3rd Dam: Peaches M. by Val de L'Orne (Fr)
O: Jackson Christopher L
B: V J Callaway
T: Hone Bart
J: Villa M A
$15,320 Lifetime: 5-1-2-1, $37,512

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