Black Type Race

Alabama S. - G1, $600,000, SAR,

08/18/07, 3yo, 1 1/4m, 2:3.62.
Margins: NK,1HF,4HF Odds: 4.50,4.80,2.55
1-- Lady Joanne, 121, f, 21, by Orientate
1st Dam: Oatsee by Unbridled
2nd Dam: With Every Wish by Lear Fan
3rd Dam: Amo by Hold Your Peace
O: Bentley L. Smith
B: Bentley L. Smith
T: Carl A. Nafzger
J: Calvin H. Borel
$360,000 Lifetime: 11-6-2-2,$987,094
2-- Lear's Princess, 121, h, 21, by Lear Fan
1st Dam: Pretty City by Carson City
2nd Dam: Pretty Special by Riverman
3rd Dam: Snobishness by Forli
O: West Point Thoroughbreds
B: Palides Investments, N.V., Inc
T: Kiaran P. McLaughlin
J: Eibar Coa
$120,000 Lifetime: 10-4-3-1,$491,870
3-- Octave, 121, m, 21, by Unbridled's Song
1st Dam: Belle Nuit by Dr. Carter
2nd Dam: Belle Noel by Tom Rolfe
3rd Dam: Christmas Belle 2nd by
O: Starlight Racing
B: Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Wygod
T: Todd A. Pletcher
J: John R. Velazquez
$60,000 Lifetime: 13-4-7-2,$1,660,934

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