Black Type Race

Carr Heaven S. $0, BEL,

04/29/12, , 1 1/16m, 1:41.59, FT
Margins: 3, nk, 3 1/2 Odds: 5.6, 4, 9.2
1-- Saginaw, 122, c, 2025, by Peruvian
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Drawing Away Stable & Jacobson Davi
B: Ted Taylor
T: Jacobson David
J: Cohen David
$54,000 Lifetime: 26-10-5-2, $389,990
2-- Johannesburg Smile, 122, c, 18, by Johannesburg
1st Dam: Serenity's Smile by Dixie Brass
2nd Dam: Aggressivebynature by Distinctive Pro
3rd Dam: Such A Golden Suzi by John's Gold
O: Paolangeli Francis J
B: Paolangeli Francis
T: Galluscio Dominic G
J: Castellano J J
$18,000 Lifetime: 21-6-5-6, $293,220
3-- Star of New York, 122, h, 19, by Five Star Day
1st Dam: Portent by Sauce Boat
2nd Dam: Portio by
3rd Dam: Santiago Sweetie by
O: Scuderi Vincent S
B: Ted Taylor
T: Dutrow Richard E
J: Velasquez Cornelio
$9,000 Lifetime: 34-7-9-9, $362,370

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