Black Type Race

Rocky Gulch New Mexico Classic Cup Championship S. $0, ZIA,

10/31/10, , 1m, 1:37.35.
Margins: no, 1 1/4, 2 Odds: 17.9, 4.9, 16.3
1-- Double Smart, 123, g, 19, by Premeditation
1st Dam: Miss Einstein by Beau Genius
2nd Dam: Clause by Tim the Tiger
3rd Dam: Guest by Sham
O: Beasley, Roger K. and Leach Racing
B: Leach Racing LLC & Roger K. Beasley
T: H. Ray Ashford, Jr.
J: Ramsey Zimmerman
$114,900 Lifetime: 36-6-4-6,$347,698
1-- Double Smart, 123, g, 19, by Premeditation
1st Dam: Miss Einstein by Beau Genius
2nd Dam: Clause by Tim the Tiger
3rd Dam: Guest by Sham
O: Beasley, Roger K. and Leach Racing
B: Leach Racing LLC & Roger K. Beasley
T: H. Ray Ashford, Jr.
J: Ramsey Zimmerman
$114,900 Lifetime: 36-6-4-6,$347,698
2-- Enchanted Outlaw, 123, g, 20, by Prospector Jones
1st Dam: Queen Condo by Vice Regent
2nd Dam: Shore Route by Noble Decree
3rd Dam: Lakeside Drive by Kauai King
O: Rushing, Ted and Lewis, R. Lee
B: Jack Bremer
T: Todd W. Fincher
J: Alfredo J. Juarez, Jr.
$42,130 Lifetime: 32-8-6-0,$315,325
2-- Enchanted Outlaw, 123, g, 20, by Prospector Jones
1st Dam: Queen Condo by Vice Regent
2nd Dam: Shore Route by Noble Decree
3rd Dam: Lakeside Drive by Kauai King
O: Rushing, Ted and Lewis, R. Lee
B: Jack Bremer
T: Todd W. Fincher
J: Alfredo J. Juarez, Jr.
$42,130 Lifetime: 32-8-6-0,$315,325
3-- Runnin Red, 123, g, 19, by Desert God
1st Dam: Lisa Lide by Bel Bolide
2nd Dam: Complete Order by Princely Native
3rd Dam: Victorian Order by Victoria Park
O: Allen, H. Joseph and Stinson, Michael C.
B: Harry Joseph Allen
T: Joel H. Marr
J: Carlos D. Madeira
$19,150 Lifetime: 32-4-1-7,$211,501
3-- Runnin Red, 123, g, 19, by Desert God
1st Dam: Lisa Lide by Bel Bolide
2nd Dam: Complete Order by Princely Native
3rd Dam: Victorian Order by Victoria Park
O: Allen, H. Joseph and Stinson, Michael C.
B: Harry Joseph Allen
T: Joel H. Marr
J: Carlos D. Madeira
$19,150 Lifetime: 32-4-1-7,$211,501

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