Black Type Race

Florence Henderson S. $0, IND,

07/11/12, , 1 1/16m, 1:44.08, T, FM
Margins: 1/2, 4 1/4, 1 1/4 Odds: 0.6, 10.2, 4
1-- Dreamin Big, 123, m, 17, by Pure Prize
1st Dam: Hush U Dreamer by Roar
2nd Dam: G. U. Dreamer by Tarsal
3rd Dam: Culebra's Star by Foreign Comet
O: Lauer Penny S
B: Michael E Lauer & Penny S Lauer
T: Lauer Michael
J: Torres F C
$49,469 Lifetime: 13-5-8-0, $262,605
2-- Keeneland Act, 123, f, 2025, by Grey Beard
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Whitaker Larry & Charlene
B: Emilie G Fojan
T: Davis Joseph D
J: Turner T G
$16,490 Lifetime: 14-3-1-5, $113,342
3-- Princess Gone Wild, 123, m, 17, by Wild Zone
1st Dam: Windsor Princess (Ire) by Woods of Windsor
2nd Dam: Tumble Dale (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Emmerdale (GB) by
O: Respite Farm
B: Respite Farm
T: Mogge Wayne D
J: Lanerie C J
$9,069 Lifetime: 8-2-1-1, $93,400

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