Black Type Race

Governors S. $60,400, ZIA,

10/28/07, 2yo, 6f, 1:10.60.
Margins: NK,3,9 3/4 Odds: 1.30,2.10,2.90
1-- Yonegwa, 120, h, 20, by Kafwain
1st Dam: Newmar by Salt Lake
2nd Dam: Bellewood by Alydar
3rd Dam: Julie the Flapper by Fappiano
O: Double Eagle Ranch
B: Papandrea & Barry Llc.
T: Bennie L. Woolley, Jr.
J: Casey T. Lambert
$36,240 Lifetime: 15-4-3-3,$189,292
2-- T. J.'s Posse, 120, h, 20, by Posse
1st Dam: T. J.'s Turn by Meadowlake
2nd Dam: Turn to T. J. by Turn to Reason
3rd Dam: Ran's Chick by The Big Boss
O: Vinery Stables and Fox Hill Farm
B: Larry Johnson
T: Steven M. Asmussen
J: Alfredo J. Juarez, Jr.
$13,288 Lifetime: 12-3-1-2,$88,238
3-- Possetothemax, 120, g, 20, by Posse
1st Dam: Storm Witch by Twining
2nd Dam: Stormy Regina by Storm Cat
3rd Dam: Tashiana by Nijinsky II
O: Heiligbrodt Racing Stable
B: W.L. New and Heiligbrodt Racing Stable
T: Steven M. Asmussen
J: Ken S. Tohill
$6,040 Lifetime: 32-9-2-6,$213,957

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