Black Type Race

Delaware Oaks - G2, $0, DEL,

07/15/06, , 1 1/16m, 1:43.72, FT
Margins: 2 1/4, 3 1/2, 1/2 Odds: 2.5, 15.2, 6.1
1-- Adieu, 116, m, 22, by El Corredor
1st Dam: Irene's Talkin by At the Threshold
2nd Dam: Classy Irene by El Baba
3rd Dam: Yakima Prune by Time Tested
O: Magnier Mrs John Tabor Michael & Sm
B: Glencrest Farm LLC
T: Pletcher Todd A
J: Velazquez J R
$300,000 Lifetime: 9-5-1-0, $889,934
2-- Amandatude, 116, m, 22, by Aptitude
1st Dam: Heavenliness by Lord Avie
2nd Dam: Haveaheavenlytime by Halo
3rd Dam: Bennington Flag by Hoist the Flag
O: Cjz Racing Stable
B: Dreamfields Inc & Don Brady
T: Ritchey Tim F
J: Rose J
$100,000 Lifetime: 13-2-8-1, $253,110
3-- Gasia, 120, m, 22, by Silver Deputy
1st Dam: Gaslight by Theatrical (Ire)
2nd Dam: Angela's Starfish by Secretariat
3rd Dam: Jane's Harbour by
O: Knoll Susan
B: Robert Muir
T: Jones J Larry
J: Pino M G
$55,000 Lifetime: 10-5-1-2, $294,976

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