Black Type Race

WinStar Derby - L, $0, SUN,

03/28/04, , 1 1/16m, 1:43.20, FT
Margins: 1/2, 1 1/2, 1/2 Odds: 46.3, 2.4, 15.1
1-- Hi Teck Man, 122, h, 24, by Claudius
1st Dam: Missy Cherub by Corwyn Bay (Ire)
2nd Dam: Irishly by
3rd Dam: Sweet Irish Lassie by
O: Spraberry Hassel R & Bonnie V
B: Hassel R. Spraberry
T: Nall Johnnie L
J: Jaime R
$270,000 Lifetime: 9-6-2-1, $396,441
2-- Consecrate, 122, m, 14, by Pulpit
1st Dam: Curious Conundrum by Harlan
2nd Dam: Sun Attack by Red Attack
3rd Dam: Sun Creme by
O: McIngvale James
B: Ironwater Farms Joint Venture
T: Baffert Bob
J: Santiago Javier
$105,000 Lifetime: 10-1-1-2, $235,340
3-- Rocky Gulch, 122, g, 24, by Dry Gulch
1st Dam: Rona Prospect by Allen's Prospect
2nd Dam: Glen Orchy by Believe It
3rd Dam: Charlotte Square by Quadrangle
O: Teague Larry R
B: Larry R. Teague
T: Walker Terry A
J: Clark M D
$55,000 Lifetime: 8-5-2-1, $317,686

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