Black Type Race

Dwyer S. - G2, $0, BEL,

07/04/09, , 1 1/16m, 1:40.47, FT
Margins: 3 1/4, 2 1/4, 2 1/4 Odds: 6.7, 7.6, 0.8
1-- Kensei, 117, h, 19, by Mr. Greeley
1st Dam: Private Feeling by Belong to Me
2nd Dam: Regal Feeling by Clever Trick
3rd Dam: Sharp Belle by Native Charger
O: Stonestreet Stables & Gulf Coast Fa
B: Gulf Coast Farms LLC
T: Asmussen Steven M
J: Prado E S
$120,000 Lifetime: 6-3-1-1, $228,628
2-- Convocation, 117, g, 19, by Pulpit
1st Dam: Shade Dance by Nureyev
2nd Dam: Colour Chart by Mr. Prospector
3rd Dam: Rainbow Connection by Halo
O: Centennial Farms
B: Darley
T: Jerkens James A
J: Garcia A
$40,000 Lifetime: 5-1-3-0, $88,200
3-- Warrior's Reward, 117, h, 19, by Medaglia d'Oro
1st Dam: For All You Do by Seeking the Gold
2nd Dam: Salina Cookie by
3rd Dam: Quilloquick by Graustark
O: Miles A Stevens Jr
B: Jayeff B Stables
T: Wilkes Ian R
J: Borel C H
$20,000 Lifetime: 6-2-2-1, $100,542

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