Black Type Race

Ben Ali S. - G3, $0, KEE,

04/26/07, , 1 1/8m, 1:49.93, FT
Margins: no, no, nk Odds: 26.1, 14.6, 13
1-- Jade's Revenge, 117, c, 2025, by Quiet American
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Bushwood Stables LLC
B: Falls Church Racing Stables, LLC
T: Motion H Graham
J: Desormeaux K J
$93,000 Lifetime: 18-5-3-7, $219,948
2-- Minister's Joy, 117, h, 23, by Deputy Minister
1st Dam: Meghan's Joy by A.P. Indy
2nd Dam: Queens Wild by Spectacular Bid
3rd Dam: Wild Applause by Northern Dancer
O: Janney Stuart S III
B: Stuart S. Janney
T: McGaughey Claude III
J: Velazquez J R
$30,000 Lifetime: 23-5-5-3, $198,358
3-- Mustanfar, 117, h, 24, by Unbridled
1st Dam: Manwah by Lyphard
2nd Dam: Height of Fashion (Fr) by Bustino (GB)
3rd Dam: Highclere (GB) by Queen's Hussar (GB)
O: Shadwell Stable
B: Shadwell Farm, LLC
T: McLaughlin Kiaran P
J: Jara Fernando
$15,000 Lifetime: 23-5-3-3, $514,930

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