Black Type Race

Giant's Causeway S. - L, $0, KEE,

04/18/09, , 5 1/2f, 1:02.71, T, FM
Margins: 1, 1 3/4, 1 Odds: 3.4, 9.2, 21.3
1st Dam: Tap Your Feet by Dixieland Band
2nd Dam: Exotic Moves by Miswaki
3rd Dam: Syrian Dancer by Damascus
O: Castletop Stable
B: W S Farish
T: Penna Angel Jr
J: Maragh Rajiv
$62,000 Lifetime: 14-6-2-1, $298,576
2-- Marina Ballerina, 118, m, 21, by Outflanker
1st Dam: Tactical Tracey by Tactical Advantage
2nd Dam: Squaw Island by Chieftain
3rd Dam: Island Cove by Never Bend
O: Pastor Robert L
B: Pastor Linda
T: Ziadie Kirk
J: Douglas R R
$20,000 Lifetime: 26-6-7-1, $356,108
3-- Lady Chace, 118, m, 20, by Tiznow
1st Dam: Squall City by Carson City
2nd Dam: Midway Squall by Storm Bird
3rd Dam: Oh So Precious by Best Turn
O: Gold Square
B: Bluegrass Farm & John & Harriet Mac
T: Margolis Stephen R
J: Mena M
$10,000 Lifetime: 13-4-2-1, $152,453

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