Black Type Race

Flower Bowl Invitational S. - G1, $0, BEL,

10/01/11, , 1 1/4m, 2:10.39, T, YL
Margins: 2, 1 3/4, 1 1/4 Odds: 0.5, 42.5, 7.6
1-- Stacelita (Fr), 123, m, 2025, by Monsun (Ger)
1st Dam: Soignee (Ger) by Dashing Blade (GB)
2nd Dam: Suivez (Fr) by Fioravanti
3rd Dam: Sea Symphony (GB) by
O: Schwartz Martin S
B: Jean Pierre Joseph Dubois
T: Brown Chad C
J: Dominguez R A
$300,000 Lifetime: 16-10-2-2, $2,372,268
2-- Distorted Legacy, 119, f, 2025, by Distorted Humor
1st Dam: Bunting by Private Account
2nd Dam: Flag Waver by Hoist the Flag
3rd Dam: Bebopper by Prosperous
O: Lunsford Bruce
B: W. Bruce Lunsford
T: Penna Angel Jr
J: Maragh Rajiv
$100,000 Lifetime: 15-3-5-1, $245,836
3-- Dynaslew, 119, m, 19, by Dynaformer
1st Dam: Slews Final Answer by Seattle Slew
2nd Dam: Fortune Pending by Fortunate Prospect
3rd Dam: Things Pending by Vigors
O: Live Oak Plantation
B: Live Oak Stud
T: Benzel Seth
J: Nakatani C S
$50,000 Lifetime: 19-5-5-1, $441,327

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