Black Type Race

Three Chimneys Saratoga Special S. - G2, $0, SAR,

08/15/11, , 6 1/2f, 1:18.33, SY
Margins: 7 1/4, 3, 3 1/4 Odds: 3.25, 1.75, 3.2
1-- Union Rags, 118, h, 16, by Dixie Union
1st Dam: Tempo by Gone West
2nd Dam: Terpsichorist by Nijinsky II
3rd Dam: Glad Rags 2nd by High Hat (GB)
O: Chadds Ford Stable
B: Phyllis M. Wyeth
T: Matz Michael R
J: Castellano J J
$290,000 Lifetime: 2-2-0-0, $318,800
2-- Stat, 118, h, 16, by Unbridled's Song
1st Dam: Di's Time by Gilded Time
2nd Dam: Yallah Miss by
3rd Dam: Peace Light by
O: Bortolazzo Stable LLC
B: James Sherman
T: Pletcher Todd A
J: Velazquez J R
$30,000 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0, $66,000
3-- Indian Evening, 118, h, 16, by Indian Charlie
1st Dam: Unenchantedevening by Unbridled's Song
2nd Dam: Evil Elaine by Medieval Man
3rd Dam: Distinctive Elaine by Distinctive
O: Vinery Stables
B: Summer Wind Farm
T: Carroll Josie
J: Maragh Rajiv
$15,000 Lifetime: 2-1-0-1, $49,875

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