Black Type Race

Sunday Silence S. - L, $0, LAD,

09/08/12, , 1m, 1:36.73, T, FM
Margins: nk, 4 3/4, 1 1/2 Odds: 1.7, 1.1, 5.5
1-- Java's War, 116, h, 15, by War Pass
1st Dam: Java by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Fipke Charles E
B: Charles Fipke
T: McPeek Kenneth G
J: Eramia Richard E
$90,000 Lifetime: 3-2-0-0, $110,319
2-- Brown Almighty, 118, h, 15, by Big Brown
1st Dam: Gone Goodbye by Gone for Real
2nd Dam: Olivia's Whirl by Island Whirl
3rd Dam: Proud Woman by Proudest Roman
O: Tri-Star Racing LLC & Denson Joe B
B: Map Mare Partnership #3
T: Ice Tim A
J: Guidry M
$30,000 Lifetime: 3-2-1-0, $84,000
3-- Kamchatka, 117, h, 15, by Tale of the Cat
1st Dam: Saratoga Drive by Siphon (Brz)
2nd Dam: Orange Sickle by Rich Cream
3rd Dam: Ridge Blond by Olden Times (GB)
O: Conway F Thomas & Hemberger Steve
B: Marvin Delfiner
T: Maker Michael J
J: Smith M E
$16,500 Lifetime: 2-0-0-1, $20,500

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