Black Type Race

Azalea S. $0, DED,

03/07/13, , 7 1/2f, 01:32.650, FT
Margins: 1HF, 5 3/4, 3/4 Odds: 0.3, 4.1, 14.3
1-- Guadalupe High, 122, m, 15, by Cuvee
1st Dam: Fighting Zone by Wild Zone
2nd Dam: Fighting Jet by Copelan
3rd Dam: Meditation by Private Thoughts
O: Werner, Ronny W., Broth, Rick, Burnett, Helen and Posey, Kenneth
B: Janeen Oliver
T: Werner Ronny
J: Melancon G
$45,000 Lifetime: 6-4-0-0, $171,276
2-- Ante Up Annie, 122, f, 15, by Majestic Warrior
1st Dam: Always Annie's by Regal Intention
2nd Dam: Always A Star by Sunny's Halo
3rd Dam: Dewans Advocate by Dewan
O: Valene Farms
B: Clear Creek Stud LLC
T: Stewart Dallas
J: Hernandez B J Jr
$15,000 Lifetime: 6-3-1-0, $103,680
3-- She Loves Runnin', 119, m, 15, by Run Production
1st Dam: Zarb's Love by
2nd Dam: Your Love by Spruce Bouquet
3rd Dam: Caroom by Triple Bend
O: Oak Leaf T.C. LP
B: Foxwood Plantation, Ltd.
T: Richey Tony J
J: Hebert T J
$7,500 Lifetime: 9-2-4-2, $111,282

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