Black Type Race

William Henry Harrison S. $0, IND,

05/30/09, , 6f, 1:10.40, FT
Margins: 2, 1/2, nk Odds: 3, 4.9, 14.3
1-- Unreachable Star, 123, g, 21, by Unloosened
1st Dam: Starsovertheriver by Stars n' Stripes
2nd Dam: River Run by Ringside
3rd Dam: Your Add by Cohoes
O: Loosen Up Stable
B: Chapple Crystal Dvm
T: Glyshaw Tim
J: Mojica O
$42,000 Lifetime: 24-6-3-2, $169,844
2-- Liepers Fork, 123, c, 2025, by Ago
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Quill Tim Brehm Joel & Brooks Doug
B: Swifty Farm
T: Goeing Donald L
J: Felix J E
$14,000 Lifetime: 58-10-13-5, $274,622
3-- Oak Rich, 119, c, 2025, by Crown Ambassador
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Meyer Thoroughbred Racing LLC
B: Swifty Farms Inc.
T: Henley Michael R
J: Arroyo E N
$7,700 Lifetime: 25-3-5-5, $67,480

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