Black Type Race

Borderland Derby - L, $0, SUN,

02/27/05, , 1 1/16m, 1:43.18, FT
Margins: 1 1/4, 5 1/4, 3/4 Odds: 2.7, 2.5, 7.1
1-- Southern Africa, 118, h, 23, by Cape Town
1st Dam: Al Fahda (GB) by Be My Chief
2nd Dam: Fleetwood Fancy (Ire) by Taufan
3rd Dam: Tender Trap (GB) by
O: Kirkwood Al & Saundra S
B: Hassan Ahamdi & Michael Anderson
T: Puhich Mike
J: Gomez G K
$62,880 Lifetime: 7-3-1-0, $130,062
2-- Thor's Echo, 117, h, 2025, by Swiss Yodeler
1st Dam: Helen of Troy by Mr. Integrity
2nd Dam: King's Thunder by Time to Explode
3rd Dam: A King's Ransom by
O: Royce S Jaime Racing Stable Inc & S
B: Fast Lane Farms & Block & Forman
T: O'Neill Doug
J: Nakatani C S
$20,960 Lifetime: 3-1-1-1, $51,560
3-- Dover Dere, 122, h, 23, by Cherokee Run
1st Dam: Moss by Woodman
2nd Dam: Delta by
3rd Dam: Bourtai (Arg) by
O: Std Racing Stable & Wood Jason
B: Bricklow Ltd., Hyperion Stud Ltd &raimon Bloodstock
T: O'Neill Doug
J: Figueroa O
$10,480 Lifetime: 8-2-0-5, $114,098

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