Black Type Race

Phoenix Gold Cup H. - L, $0, TUP,

03/19/05, , 6f, 1:08.42, FT
Margins: no, 1 3/4, 2 1/2 Odds: 4.1, 6.8, 1.9
1-- Proud Cardenal, 116, h, 25, by Proud Irish
1st Dam: Dora's Tower by Irish Tower
2nd Dam: Dora Maar by Native Charger
3rd Dam: Pan Shot by Northern Dancer
O: Tricar Stable Inc
B: Tricar Stables, Inc.
T: Gonzalez Sal
J: Whetstone P S
$60,000 Lifetime: 12-4-3-2, $168,795
2-- Flying Supercon, 117, c, 2025, by Flying Continental
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Silvers Don
B: Don Silvers & Gary Silvers
T: Morgan Dan
J: Morales A A
$20,000 Lifetime: 26-8-5-2, $194,944
3-- Indian Country, 119, h, 24, by Indian Charlie
1st Dam: Slumgullion by Conquistador Cielo
2nd Dam: Storming Lass by
3rd Dam: Cerada Ridge by Riva Ridge
O: Earnhardt Hal J III
B: Hal Earnhardt
T: Baffert Bob
J: Fusilier C
$10,000 Lifetime: 7-3-0-3, $102,592

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