Black Type Race

Generous Portion S. $0, DMR,

08/29/07, , 6f, 1:12.98, FT
Margins: 1 1/4, 5 1/2, 1 1/4 Odds: 16.9, 16.7, 17.9
1-- Golden Doc A, 116, m, 20, by Unusual Heat
1st Dam: Penpoint (Nz) by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Abrams Barry
B: David Abrams
T: Abrams Barry
J: Espinoza V
$65,280 Lifetime: 2-1-0-0, $66,200
2-- Champagne Miss, 116, m, 20, by Aldebaran
1st Dam: Almost Skint (Ire) by Last Tycoon (Ire)
2nd Dam: Rich Relation (Ire) by Golden Act
3rd Dam: Dewan's Niece by
O: Gates Angela & Scardino Frank
B: Dr. & Mrs. Duane Hopp
T: Hendricks Dan L
J: Solis A
$21,760 Lifetime: 1-0-1-0, $21,760
3-- Proud Garrison, 116, m, 20, by Proud Irish
1st Dam: General Janet by General Meeting
2nd Dam: Janet Garrison by
3rd Dam: Spring In The Air by Spring at Last
O: Tricar Stable Inc
B: Tricar Stables Inc
T: Gonzalez Sal
J: Baze M C
$13,056 Lifetime: 6-1-1-3, $38,096

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