Black Type Race

Jim Edgar Illinois Futurity $0, HAW,

12/10/11, , 1 1/16m, 1:47.40, FT
Margins: 1, 3 1/2, nk Odds: 5.3, 3.1, 0.9
1-- Real Power, 114, g, 16, by Powerscourt (GB)
1st Dam: Real Deal by Unreal Zeal
2nd Dam: Cyber Angel by
3rd Dam: Z Lady Gladiator by Ziad
O: Virginia H Tarra Trust
B: Virginia H. Tarra Trust
T: Block Chris
J: Geroux Florent
$52,875 Lifetime: 6-1-3-0, $80,575
2-- Yankee Dealer, 118, g, 16, by Yankee Gentleman
1st Dam: Lady Dealer by Prospectors Gamble
2nd Dam: Z Lady Gladiator by Ziad
3rd Dam: Fleetest Roman by Kamaraan II
O: Virginia H Tarra Trust
B: Virginia H. Tarra Trust
T: Block Chris
J: Perez E E
$17,625 Lifetime: 5-2-1-1, $69,230
3-- Twelve Hundred, 122, g, 16, by Cape Town
1st Dam: Sippin' Devil by Devil's Bag
2nd Dam: Scotch Final by Marshua's Dancer
3rd Dam: Windy And Mild by Best Turn
O: B Jock Racing LLC
B: Gallagher Farms
T: Divito James P
J: Karlsson Inez
$9,693 Lifetime: 5-2-0-2, $77,765

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