Black Type Race

Evan Shipman S. $0, SAR,

07/22/13, , 1 1/8m, 01:51.070, FT
Margins: HD, NK, NK Odds: 11.6, 2.2, 1.5
1-- Bigger Is Bettor, 118, g, 17, by Grand Reward
1st Dam: Regal Angela by Regal Intention
2nd Dam: Dancing Angela by
3rd Dam: Nangela by Nearctic
O: Broman, Sr., Chester and Mary
B: Chester Broman & Mary R. Broman
T: Ubillo Rodrigo A
J: Rocco J S Jr
$60,000 Lifetime: 26-4-7-6, $308,881
2-- Awesome Vision, 118, h, 16, by Awesome Again
1st Dam: Blind Canyon by Valley Crossing
2nd Dam: All The Guile by Smarten
3rd Dam: Smiling Through by Personality
O: West Point Thoroughbreds
B: Kaz Hill Farm & Adena Springs
T: Albertrani Thomas
J: Ortiz Irad Jr
$20,000 Lifetime: 10-5-1-1, $214,722
3-- Readthebyline, 118, g, 16, by Read the Footnotes
1st Dam: Seattle Byline by Slew City Slew
2nd Dam: Dear Editor by Prince John
3rd Dam: Catch Phrase by Summer Tan
O: Black Swan Stable
B: Gavin Murphy & Catherine Donavan
T: Schosberg Richard
J: Velazquez J R
$10,000 Lifetime: 23-5-5-6, $293,970

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