Black Type Race

Rise Jim S. $0, SUF,

07/20/13, , 6f, 01:11.750, FT
Margins: HF, 2 3/4, 5 Odds: 64.8, 0.3, 13.7
1-- Silk Spinner, 118, g, 17, by Silk Broker
1st Dam: Make The Double by Double Negative
2nd Dam: Weathermaker by
3rd Dam: Little Cloudy by
O: Adel D. Salim
B: Adel Salim
T: Salim Adel D
J: Peltroche Elias
$30,000 Lifetime: 11-4-0-0, $100,620
2-- Victor Laszlo, 124, g, 17, by Victory Gallop
1st Dam: Aqualung by Geiger Counter
2nd Dam: Aquaplane by
3rd Dam: Surf by Hawaii
O: Patricia L. Moseley
B: Mrs. James B. Moseley
T: Saccardo George A
J: Piermarini T
$10,000 Lifetime: 9-2-2-2, $60,200
3-- Dreamed a Dream, 119, m, 16, by Agnes Gold (Jpn)
1st Dam: Fast Delighter by Fastness (Ire)
2nd Dam: Delighter by Lypheor (GB)
3rd Dam: Amazer by Quaker Ridge
O: Kathy Raymond
B: Robert Raymond
T: Raymond Robert A
J: Jellison J A
$5,000 Lifetime: 9-3-0-1, $100,182

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