Black Type Race

Hollywood Gold Cup H. - G1, $0, BHP,

07/06/13, , 1 1/4m, 02:01.880, AW, FT
Margins: 1, 6 3/4, HF Odds: 0.3, 10.4, 9
1-- Game On Dude, 127, h, 18, by Awesome Again
1st Dam: Worldly Pleasure by Devil His Due
2nd Dam: Fast Pleasure by Fast Play
3rd Dam: Sis Pleasure Fager by What a Pleasure
O: Diamond Pride LLC, Lanni Family Trust, Mercedes Stable LLC and Schiappa, B.
B: Adena Springs
T: Baffert Bob
J: Smith M E
$300,000 Lifetime: 26-14-5-1, $5,002,158
2-- Kettle Corn, 116, h, 18, by Candy Ride (Arg)&timeframeBT=20000 #tot">Candy Ride (Arg)
1st Dam: Somethingbeautiful by Lil E. Tee
2nd Dam: Bubali (Arg) by
3rd Dam: Longhill (Arg) by
O: C R K Stable
T: Sadler John W
J: Bejarano R
$100,000 Lifetime: 23-7-5-5, $533,111
3-- Sky Kingdom, 116, h, 16, by Empire Maker
1st Dam: Sky Beam by Kingmambo
2nd Dam: Weekend In Seattle by Seattle Slew
3rd Dam: Weekend Surprise by Secretariat
O: Westrock Stables LLC
B: Jim J. FitzGerald
T: Baffert Bob
J: Garcia Martin
$60,000 Lifetime: 11-4-0-2, $293,980

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