Black Type Race

Bob Umphrey Turf Sprint S. - L, $0, CRC,

07/06/13, , 5f, 00:56.080, T, GD
Margins: HD, NK, 2 Odds: 4.3, 8.6, 2.2
1-- Silver Cloud, 116, g, 2025, by Rahy
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Jason DaCosta
B: Alfonso N. Figliolia
T: Dacosta Jason
J: Jara Fernando
$58,900 Lifetime: 23-7-5-1, $241,622
2-- Tripski, 120, h, 18, by Trippi
1st Dam: Kitty Dehere by Dehere
2nd Dam: Theladysaidso by Great Above
3rd Dam: Lin D. Time by
O: Shadybrook Farm, Inc. and Lussky, W.
B: William Lussky
T: Yates Michael
J: Rios Jesus M
$19,000 Lifetime: 21-6-3-3, $188,242
3-- Determinato, 123, g, 17, by Closing Argument
1st Dam: Twilight Mirage by Jeblar
2nd Dam: Sassy'n Proud by Al Nasr (Fr)
3rd Dam: Straight Street by Never Bend
O: Ron Marano
B: Frank Marano
T: White William P
J: Saez Luis
$9,500 Lifetime: 16-5-3-3, $249,985

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