Black Type Race

Woodford Reserve Lake Placid S. - G2, $0, SAR,

08/18/13, , 1 1/8m, 01:47.360, T, FM
Margins: NK, HF, NO Odds: 11.6, 2.15, 20.4
1-- Caroline Thomas, 116, m, 15, by Giant's Causeway
1st Dam: Bit of Whimsy by Distorted Humor
2nd Dam: Kristi B by El Prado (Ire)
3rd Dam: Highland Mills by Pia Star
O: Joyce B. Young
B: Bonner Young
T: Tagg Barclay
J: Napravnik Anna R
$120,000 Lifetime: 9-3-1-2, $230,734
1st Dam: High Finance (Ire) by Entrepreneur (GB)
2nd Dam: Phylella (Ire) by Persian Bold (Ire)
3rd Dam: Tumblella (Ire) by
O: Kisber, Michael E., Bradley Thoroughbreds and McMakin, Nelson
B: P. G. Lyons
T: Brown Chad C
J: Castellano J J
$40,000 Lifetime: 9-3-3-2, $449,588
3-- Nellie Cashman, 120, m, 15, by Mineshaft
1st Dam: Alison's Winner by Pine Bluff
2nd Dam: Sister Explodent by Explodent
3rd Dam: Reggie's Sister by Visier
O: Sycamore Racing, LLC
B: Nelson E. Clemmens
T: Abbott Francis
J: Boyce Forest
$20,000 Lifetime: 9-2-3-2, $160,770

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