Black Type Race

Turf Monster H. - G3, $0, PRX,

09/02/13, , 5f, 00:57.440, T, YL
Margins: 3/4, HD, 3 3/4 Odds: 28.7, 3.4, 2.1
1-- Stormofthecentury, 116, g, 17, by Dark Kestrel
1st Dam: As of Now by Blue Buckaroo
2nd Dam: Elizabeth Star by Surreal
3rd Dam: Uptowner by Maggie's Pet
O: Beechwood Racing Stable LLC
B: University of Florida Foundation
T: Ruberto Louis V Jr
J: Elliott S
$210,000 Lifetime: 16-6-3-0, $349,499
2-- Tightend Touchdown, 120, g, 16, by Pure Precision
1st Dam: Starry Mark by Marquetry
2nd Dam: With the Stars by With Approval
3rd Dam: Star Reputation by Star Spangled
O: Mr. Amore Stable
B: Chad Stewart & Laurie Stewart
T: Servis Jason
J: Carmouche K
$70,000 Lifetime: 21-9-5-1, $431,545
3-- Ben's Cat, 122, g, 19, by Parker's Storm Cat
1st Dam: Twofox by Thirty Eight Paces
2nd Dam: Dronette by Drone
3rd Dam: Stacey D'Ette by Pago Pago
O: The Jim Stable
B: K. T. Leatherbury Assoc. Inc.
T: Leatherbury King T
J: Pimentel J
$38,500 Lifetime: 34-22-3-3, $1,635,640

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