Black Type Race

La Jolla H. - G2, $0, DMR,

08/14/10, , 1 1/16m, 1:39.52, T, FM
Margins: 5 1/2, 1/2, 2 1/4 Odds: 1.4, 3.1, 22.4
1-- Sidney's Candy, 121, h, 18, by Candy Ride (Arg)&timeframeBT=20000 #tot">Candy Ride (Arg)
1st Dam: Fair Exchange by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Exchange by Explodent
3rd Dam: Wooly Willow by Irish Stronghold
O: Craig Family Trust (Jenny Craig)
B: Jenny Craig & Sidney H. Craig
T: Sadler John W
J: Rosario Joel
$90,000 Lifetime: 9-5-2-0, $803,560
2-- Kid Edward (Ire), 118, c, 2025, by Singspiel (Ire)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Gould Family Trust
B: Mr & Mrs G Middlebrook
T: Cassidy James
J: Flores D R
$30,000 Lifetime: 4-2-1-0, $93,360
3-- Alphie's Bet, 119, h, 18, by Tribal Rule
1st Dam: Miss Alphie by Candi's Gold
2nd Dam: Pine Away by Pine Bluff
3rd Dam: Her Mink Coat by Affirmed
O: Johnson Sr Peter O & McWilliams Ter
B: McWilliams Teresa
T: Barba Alexis
J: Smith M E
$18,000 Lifetime: 11-3-1-2, $303,320

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