Black Type Race

Charles Whittingham Memorial H. - G1, $0, HOL,

06/12/04, , 1 1/4m, 2:01.52, T, FM
Margins: 3/4, no, 2 1/2 Odds: 13.4, 5.4, 11.7
1-- Sabiango (Ger), 116, h, 27, by Acatenango (Ger)
1st Dam: Spirit of Eagles by Beau's Eagle
2nd Dam: Big Spirit by Big Spruce
3rd Dam: Beautiful Spirit by Bold Bidder
O: Roberts Monty
B: Gestut Fahrhof
T: Baffert Bob
J: Baze T C
$210,000 Lifetime: 16-6-1-2, $702,640
2-- Bayamo (Ire), 116, g, 26, by Valanour (Ire)
1st Dam: Clare Bridge by Quadrangle
2nd Dam: Gliding By by Artie Schiller
3rd Dam: Flying Arch by Arch
O: Prestonwood Farm LLC
B: Horse Breeding Company
T: Canani Julio C
J: Flores D R
$70,000 Lifetime: 8-3-1-2, $151,445
3-- Just Wonder (GB), 116, c, 2025, by Hernando (Fr)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Naify Sugarman & Vistas LLC Et Al
B: Lutz Bongen And Gerd Feldmann
T: De Seroux Laura
J: Smith M E
$42,000 Lifetime: 11-4-2-1, $266,558

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