Black Type Race

Sharp Cat S. $100,000, BEL,

10/27/13, 2yo, 6 1/2f, 1:17.09.
Margins: 3/4,2HF,2 Odds: 2.50,0.70,11.50
Also Ran: Storm Swept,
1-- Tea Time, 122, m, 14, by Pulpit
1st Dam: Asian Empress by Empire Maker
2nd Dam: Aurora by Danzig
3rd Dam: Althea by Alydar
O: Groves, Helen K., Kelly, Jon S. and Kelly, Sarah
B: Sarah & Jon Kelly & Helen K Groves Revocable Trust
T: Michael R. Matz
J: Luis Saez
$60,000 Lifetime: 18-5-0-4,$279,966
2-- Miss Behaviour, 122, m, 14, by Jump Start
1st Dam: Successful Romance by Successful Appeal
2nd Dam: Timely Affair by Gilded Time
3rd Dam: Friendly Relations by
O: MacWilliam, Cal and Teitelbaum, Neil
B: Cal MacWilliam & Teitelbaum & Associates
T: Phil Schoenthal
J: Garry Cruise
$20,000 Lifetime: 12-5-4-1,$790,834
3-- Alpaca Fina, 120, m, 14, by Big Brown
1st Dam: Ms Brookski by Montbrook
2nd Dam: Junk Bond Queen by Baldski
3rd Dam: Shesurecandance by Winged T.
O: Drawing Away Stable
B: Big Brown Syndicate & Christine Hayden
T: David Jacobson
J: Cornelio H. Velasquez
$10,000 Lifetime: 12-4-0-4,$158,910

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