Black Type Race

Presque Isle Mile S. - L, $0, PID,

09/09/11, , 1m, 1:35.63, AW, FT
Margins: 1/2, 1 1/2, 3/4 Odds: 3.7, 15.8, 4
1-- Wise Dan, 124, g, 18, by Wiseman's Ferry
1st Dam: Lisa Danielle by Wolf Power (SAf)
2nd Dam: Askmysecretary by Secretariat
3rd Dam: Laquiola (Fr) by Lyphard
O: Fink Morton
B: Mort Fink
T: Lopresti Charles
J: Court J K
$150,000 Lifetime: 11-6-0-0, $473,047
2-- Jimmy Simms, 116, g, 20, by Lost Soldier
1st Dam: Queen of America by Quiet American
2nd Dam: Our Dear Ruth by Baldski
3rd Dam: Nany's Appeal by Valid Appeal
O: Alexander Elisabeth H
B: Sarum Farm
T: Dutrow Anthony W
J: Maragh Rajiv
$50,000 Lifetime: 18-7-4-1, $378,823
3-- Stunning Stag, 119, g, 21, by Running Stag
1st Dam: Midday Fun by The Prime Minister
2nd Dam: Smart N Crafty by Crafty Prospector
3rd Dam: Cornish Art by Cornish Prince
O: Attard Janice
B: Adena Springs
T: Attard Sid C
J: Olguin G L
$25,000 Lifetime: 30-10-9-5, $877,856

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