Black Type Race

Bouwerie S. $0, BEL,

05/06/07, , 7f, 1:24.07, FT
Margins: 2, 1 1/4, 2 Odds: 1.85, 6.5, 2.4
1-- Talking Treasure, 122, m, 21, by Catienus
1st Dam: Annual Dues by Devil His Due
2nd Dam: Years by Secretariat
3rd Dam: Skeeb by Topsider
O: Ramsey Kenneth L & Sarah K
B: Kenneth L. Ramsey & Sarah K. Ramsey
T: Baker Charlton
J: Velazquez J R
$69,120 Lifetime: 5-3-2-0, $143,120
2-- My Kitty, 120, m, 21, by Catienus
1st Dam: Private Stash by Private Account
2nd Dam: Tougaloo by Lot o' Gold
3rd Dam: Bright Reply by Yonaguska
O: Bilinski Darlene & Zaretsky Martin
B: Kenneth L Ramsey & Sarah K Ramsey
T: Contessa Gary C
J: Arroyo N Jr
$23,040 Lifetime: 13-2-4-0, $155,267
3-- Pastel Gal, 116, m, 21, by Lemon Drop Kid
1st Dam: Watercolors by Theatrical (Ire)
2nd Dam: Space Angel by Cosmonaut
3rd Dam: Necie's Pride by
O: Sackatoga Stable
B: Elise B. Browne
T: Tagg Barclay
J: Velasquez Cornelio
$11,520 Lifetime: 4-1-0-1, $43,660

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