Black Type Race

Roanoke S. $0, PRX,

09/07/13, , 1 1/16m, 01:42.930, FT
Margins: 1, 2HF, 3 3/4 Odds: 1.4, 2, 6.5
1-- Norman Asbjornson, 122, h, 17, by Real Quiet
1st Dam: Merryland Missy by Citidancer
2nd Dam: Smart Tally by Smarten
3rd Dam: She Can Add by
O: McClay, Thomas and Nye, Harry
B: Thomas G. McClay, Harry C. Nye III &Horseshoe Valley Equine
T: Mancilla Carlos A
J: Carmouche K
$56,250 Lifetime: 24-6-7-2, $520,100
2-- Winchill, 118, h, 17, by Tapit
1st Dam: Exclusive Hold by Phone Trick
2nd Dam: Bonnie Baugh by Alleged
3rd Dam: Minstrelete by Round Table
O: Pewter Stable, Levy, Robert P. and Karkenny, Alex
B: Gum Tree Stables LLC & Partners
T: Crook-Demasi Kathlee
J: Elliott S
$15,000 Lifetime: 19-4-4-2, $218,844
3-- Arlo, 116, g, 17, by Defrere
1st Dam: Crafty Compliment by Crafty Friend
2nd Dam: Congratulations by Mercedes Won
3rd Dam: Super Me by Magoo's Magic
O: Jane Gilbert
B: Larry Suloman & Darlene Suloman
T: Reese Cynthia G
J: Flores J L
$8,250 Lifetime: 35-8-9-4, $399,000

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