Black Type Race

African Prince S. $0, SUF,

09/21/13, , 6f, 01:10.140, FT
Margins: 3 1/4, 10HF, 3 Odds: 1, 12.8, 1.5
1-- Roode Dude, 118, g, 2025, by De Roode
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Adel D. Salim
B: Adel Salim
T: Salim Adel D
J: Davis Jacqueline A
$18,000 Lifetime: 7-2-1-2, $38,800
2-- Worth the Worry, 118, g, 15, by Hook and Ladder
1st Dam: Maricopa by Montbrook
2nd Dam: Norika by Lucky North
3rd Dam: Merica by American Standard
O: Shade Tree Farm (Theresa Horky)
B: Theresa Horky & Keith Shelansky
T: Marcoux Wayne J
J: Amiss D
$6,000 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0, $11,400
3-- Grady, 118, g, 30, by Prospectors Gamble
1st Dam: Petadear by Subpet
2nd Dam: Jestadear by
3rd Dam: Lucky Bojo by
O: New England Stallion Station and Hy-Hopes Farm
B: Ken Posco
T: Rigattieri John
J: Panell D
$3,000 Lifetime: 4-2-1-1, $19,160

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