Black Type Race

Amsterdam S. - G2, $0, SAR,

08/02/10, , 6 1/2f, 1:14.27, FT
Margins: 8 3/4, 1 1/2, 1 Odds: 0.6, 8, 25
1-- Discreetly Mine, 123, h, 18, by Mineshaft
1st Dam: Pretty Discreet by Private Account
2nd Dam: Pretty Persuasive by Believe It
3rd Dam: Bury the Hatchet by Tom Rolfe
O: E Paul Robsham Stables LLC
B: Robsham E. Paul
T: Pletcher Todd A
J: Velazquez J R
$90,000 Lifetime: 12-4-4-0, $649,350
2-- Essence Hit Man, 121, g, 18, by Speightstown
1st Dam: El Prado Essence by El Prado (Ire)
2nd Dam: Quadrahope by Quadratic
3rd Dam: Hope She's Bold by Bold Forbes
O: Cappuccitti Audre
B: Cappuccitti Audre
T: Cappuccitti Audre
J: Sutherland C
$30,000 Lifetime: 10-5-2-1, $422,801
3-- In Jack's Memory, 115, c, 2025, by Malibu Moon
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Southern Equine Stable LLC
B: Robert B. Berger
T: Guillot Eric
J: Mena M
$15,000 Lifetime: 5-2-0-2, $55,890

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