Black Type Race

Sandra Hall Grand Canyon H. $0, TUP,

04/27/13, , 6f, 01:07.820, FT
Margins: 4 1/4, NK, 4 Odds: 1.5, 11.7, 0.7
1-- Espresso Springs, 120, g, 18, by Rocky Bar
1st Dam: Cappuccino Springs by Afternoon Deelites
2nd Dam: Biltmore Breeze by Saratoga Six
3rd Dam: Keep On Top by Obraztsovy
O: Gowdy, Geri and Wise, Rick
B: Robert H. McKee & Mary Ellen McKee
T: Wise Richard A
J: Stevens S A
$21,266 Lifetime: 36-9-12-4, $196,490
2-- Frisky Ricky, 119, g, 2025, by Rocky Bar
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Arrowhead Racing
B: Arrowhead Equine
T: Kato Kaylyn
J: Kato A
$6,860 Lifetime: 59-7-9-4, $117,076
3-- Jamaican Memories, 122, g, 17, by Slew City Slew
1st Dam: Sallie's Memory by Holy Bull
2nd Dam: Nat's Sallie by L'Natural
3rd Dam: Sallie's Palace by Madison Palace
O: Bolin, Carol and James
B: H & E Ranch
T: Vanwinkle David
J: Rivera J G
$3,430 Lifetime: 29-4-4-7, $100,428

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