Black Type Race

Bernie Dowd H. $0, MTH,

07/14/02, , 6f, 1:09.90, FT
Margins: 2 1/2, hd, 2 1/4 Odds: 6.8, 5.5, 12.1
1-- Summer Swing, 119, h, 2025, by Not for Love
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Sleeter Gerald F
B: Carolyn Sleeter
T: Sleeter Kevin F
J: King E L Jr
$30,000 Lifetime: 26-7-4-4, $268,182
2-- H. M. S. Jackson, 117, h, 2025, by Pappa Riccio
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Headless Horseman Racing Filosa R &
B: Stacey Small & T. Eileen Munyak
T: Hills Timothy A
J: Coa E M
$10,000 Lifetime: 19-7-5-2, $207,515
3-- Spectacular Slew, 116, g, 2025, by Tsunami Slew
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Sessa John C
B: John Sessa
T: Seewald Alan
J: Toribio A R
$5,500 Lifetime: 22-7-3-6, $196,885

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